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Best Oscillating Vibration Plates – Reviews 2022 – 2023

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Top 3 Oscillating Vibration Plates

Before we jump into the reviews let’s take some time to get fully acquainted with vibration plates, and the different types there on the market so we can have a better understanding of the features and benefits of each model in this review.

What are vibration plates?

Vibration plates do literally what their name suggests, they transmit vibration through the body via a plate that you stand on. Why may you ask would I want to partake in such an activity? The point behind these machines is that the vibrations delivered cause your muscles to contract and relax, the contraction usually lasts around 30 seconds to maybe a minute at the most. This machine is able to target and activate all of your muscles in one go which makes it a great time saving option as it can give you a full body workout in as little as 15 minutes and the effects are said to be the same as a 60 minutes strenuous training session. These machines usually have options for different types of workout such as resistance, stretch, massage and relaxation. Some will combine the stretch, massage and relaxation options to again save you more time.

How do you use these machines?

As with any new fitness regime it is always advisable to start slowly and build yourself up over a period of time. You wouldn’t go from the couch to a 10K straight away and this is no different. The general rule of thumb is to start on a nine minute resistance option and follow this up with a stretch / massage / relaxation programme all on the lowest settings possible. You can repeat this twice to three times a week and build up the time and intensity of each subsequent session as and when you feel ready to do so.

You can adopt different standing positions while on the plate, this will put extra emphasis on certain muscles that you want to target. You can even use free weights while on the plate to increase the intensity of your upper body workouts.

It is important to remember to keep your knees slightly bent at all times, this will reduce the risk of injury and jarring. Also, due to the quick succession of the muscle contractions it is equally important to remember to drink enough water during the workout.

Types of vibration and how it works?

There are two main types of vibration, oscillating and vertical. Vertical is the cheaper option and the motion isn’t known to be that effective in weight loss of toning of the muscles and can be bad for your back. Oscillating on the other hand provides a sensation similar to being on see saw. As already mentioned the vibration plate causes your muscles to contract and relax, this happens due to the plate rocking from side to side. This motion makes the muscles in the body to tense in order to keep you stable and upright. The more expensive options, usually found in gyms, will have additional motions such as up and down and forwards and backwards but these machines start at around £6000.

Now that we have some basic understanding of these machines let us take a look at the three we are reviewing today.

MOTIVEfitness OP1/10 Oscillating Review – Our Number 1

MOTIVEfitness OP1

MOTIVEfitness is a German brand by Uno who make a range of fitness equipment such as treadmills, cross trainers, exercise bikes and home gyms as well as the above mentioned oscillating vibration plate. All of their equipment is designed to be used at home so it is not only easy to use but gives you an effective workout without the pricey gym membership. So, let us take a look at the features of this model to see what it has to offer.

  • This is a full size platform that offers true oscillation and variable push button speed control.
  • Benefits of using this machine include; improved blood circulation, tone and strengthen muscles, helps to burn fat, increases coordination and overall flexibility, helps to reduce cellulite and helps to maintain a health bone density.
  • It has 50 oscillating speed levels to choose from.
  • It also has an anti-static feature and a anti jamming overload stop feature.
  • The hand grips have been padded with high density foam for a more comfortable grip.MOTIVEfitness OP1
  • It has 3 functions with 3 separate LED screens to programme your workout. There is body mass index value, speed (1-50), time and 3 users’ programmes.
  • 0 – 14mm amplitude range.
  • It can handle a total user weight of 120KG,264lbs or 18.8 stones.
  • It also comes with a lifetime guarantee on the frame, 1 year non-consumables, 1 year motor guarantee.

Overall this is an excellent machine to give you the boost you need to improve your fitness and wellbeing in the comfort of your own home. It is simple and easy to use with clear LED screen detailing our chosen workout, speed and duration.


Features – Full size – True Oscillation – 50 Speed settings – Anti-static feature – Antijamming overload stop system – Padded hand grips – 3 user programmes – 3 LED screens – 1 year guarantee on all parts with a lifetime guarantee on the frame.

Pricing – High End


BTM Vibration OSCILLATING Review – Number 2

BTM Vibration

I’ve honestly had issues finding much information about BTM as a company but after looking a number of the reviews on Amazon for this piece of kit I’m assured that it is a sound buy. From what I have seen BTM offer a wide range of products from garden furniture to travel luggage, kids 3 wheeled scooters and even a dog dryer. So, what does this particular machine have to offer? Let’s take a closer look.

  • This machine has a total of 160 speed levels to choose from.
  • The display panel has 4 LED screen that show you time, speed, mode and calories burned/BMI.
  • It has 10 different programmes to choose from.
  • It has anti-static and an over-current protection system in place.
  • The amplitude ranges from 0-13mm,
  • It can handle a total user weight of 170KG.
  • It also has a 2 year guarantee.

The BTM Vibration OSCILLATING Plate Massage Fitness Exercise Machine has a good range of features to keep up engaged and helps to make sure you stay on track with your fitness goals.


Features – 160 Speed settings – 0-13mm amplitude – 4 LED screens displaying, time, mode, speed and CAL/BMI –2 year guarantee.

Pricing – Mid Range


ReaseJoy 500W Vibration Plate Review – Number 3

ReaseJoy 500W

ReaseJoy offers a wide range of products from airbrushes and ultrasonic cleaning machines to LED outdoor lights and mannequin heads for learning hairdressing on. They also have various fitness equipment such as arm and leg pedal machines, indoor rebounders and of course the oscillating platform. They even have jackhammers and unicycles if you are into that sort of thing. The features of this machine include the following:

  • It has an impressive 99 speed levels.
  • The amplitude ranges from 0 – 12mm.
  • It also has two resistance bands to help you engage even more of your upper body during the workout.
  • There is also a remote control so you can adjust the settings without having to stop your workout.ReaseJoy 500W
  • It also has a 3 month warranty.

This is definitely a more compact version compared to the other two we have reviewed. This is designed so you can pop it under the bed or put it away in a cupboard when not in use. Which is great is you are limited on space and don’t want bulk equipment lying around.


Features – 99 Speed levels – 0 – 12mm amplitude – 2 Resistance bands included – Remote control – 3 Month warranty.

Pricing – Affordable



Ultimately which one you chose will depending on your own personal requirements but if I had to make a choice I would opt for the MOTIVEfitness OP1/10 Oscillating Plate. The reason behind this simple it has easy to use and understand controls with a full size plate and true oscillation. This means you will get the best possible workout for the money you are spending. Even though the other two may have more speed settings it isn’t always about how fast something goes but how well it does what its meant to do at those speeds.